Finance Council
is responsible for helping the pastor with creating and managing the budget and to ensure the parish is fiscally sound. Members are appointed by the pastor and meet quarterly.
Knights of Peter Claver & Ladies Auxiliary
is comprised of over 18,000 Catholic family members. We continue our expansion efforts welcoming all Catholics to join. Our purpose is to render service to God and His Holy Church. If you would like to join our organization please see Grand Knight Vincent Robinson or Grand Lady Lorraine Eckrich.
Parish Council
is advisory to the pastor on matters of the church such as the mass schedule, improvements to the building, parish social life, etc. The Council meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm and all parishioners are invited.
Prison Ministry
Baylor Prison Ministry: Every Friday morning, parishioners and friends brighten the lives of women who are incarcerated. For additional information, please contact Rose Henderson, 302-762-9044.
The Sodality honors the Blessed Mother through prayer. These ladies faithfully pray the rosary each Sunday before mass and they pray continuously for the parish, the city and for individuals in need of the intercession of the Blessed Mother. If you would like to join this ministry, please contact Denise Scales at 302-368-9881.
Junior Sodality
The Jr. Sodality mission statement includes: having a deeper appreciation and understanding of others by enriching values of respect, responsibility and sharing with the guidance and example of St. Joseph Senior Sodality. Making a difference by bringing joy, love and refreshments to brightenthe lives of others including St. Joseph community and the shut-in, hosting a luncheon for those less fortunate, sharing in the ministries of the church and participating in the Angel Tree Adopt A Child Program. ALL YOUNG LADIES, 6 TO 14, IN THE DIOCESE ARE INVITED TO ATTEND. PLEASE CONTACT JEAN TOY, 302-658-2218 FOR INFORMATION.